7 FAFSA Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Tackling the FAFSA application may seem like a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time. Many students don’t even want to attempt filling out the form for fear of either not qualifying or unintentionally giving wrong information. Receiving student financial aid shouldn’t be a scary thing, and it’s not! College Funding of Tampa Bay is here to help you dissolve all your worries by debunking the most common myths so you can have more confidence in receiving the financial help that you need to carry on your dreams.

I need to be accepted into a college before I can turn in my FAFSA application

You can start your FAFSA application as soon as it becomes available for the school year, regardless of whether or not you’ve received your official acceptance letter. On the form, just list the school (or schools, if you’re applying to more than one) that you plan on attending. Many students turn in their FAFSA application towards the end of their senior year of high school just to get a head start.

My grades are not good enough to receive financial aid

FAFSA requirements are not based on your GPA or grades. Different schools have their own requirements on a minimum GPA needed to stay qualified to attend their courses, but FAFSA itself does not factor in your grades during the application process. Just stick with the school’s requirements because you will need to stay an active student in order to continue receiving your financial aid.

My household income is too high to qualify for financial aid

Qualifications for financial aid are based on multiple factors, not just income. FAFSA looks at your current living status, citizenship, parental military history, and any disabilities among other things. The best way to find out is to try!

I’m living on my own, so I don’t need to include parental information

Even if you are supporting yourself, you may still be considered a dependent under federal student aid terms. This is why you must include any parental information when filling out the form just in case. Dependency can be a major factor in how much aid you qualify for, so it’s best to be accurate.

It’s okay if I turn in my FAFSA application late

Although you can technically turn in your form later than others, doing so can hurt your eligibility. What some people don’t realize is that financial aid is actually distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Because of this, you’re more likely to receive funds if you fill out your application sooner than later since you’re basically competing with other students who are also applying.

I can fill out my FAFSA application through third-party websites

We never recommend that you fill out your application through any other site than the official FAFSA government website. Many scammers will create fake websites in an effort to charge you a “fee” for using their so-called services. The official government page will never charge you a fee since the application process is entirely free.

I already completed my FAFSA application once, so I don’t have to do it again

You need to renew your FAFSA information every school year in order to continue being considered for financial aid. However, every process after your very first time will go by relatively faster since much of your information is pre-calculated based on your initial application.

Are you ready to take on the FAFSA form with your newfound knowledge? If you have more questions, we’ll gladly walk you through the process because we want you to receive the education that you deserve to achieve great things. Call College Funding of Tampa Bay at 813-850-0241 to receive a free consultation!